Ballscrews are common industrial machinery and precision machines, consisting of a screw spindle and nut integrated with balls and their return mechanism. They convert rotary motion to linear motion or torque to thrust, offering high accuracy, reversibility, and efficiency. Ballscrews offer advantages like high efficiency, reversibility, backlash elimination, high stiffness, and lead accuracy. They replace conventional screw sliding friction with rolling motion of balls.
1.CNC machinery: CNC machine center, CNC lathe, CNC milling machine, CNC EDM, CNC grinder, wire cutting
machine, boring machine, etc.
2. Precision machine tools: Milling machine, grinder, EDM, tool grinder, gear manufacturing machine, drilling
machine, planer, etc.
3. Industrial machinery: Printing machine, paper-processing machine, automatic machine, textile machine,
drawing machine, special purpose machine, injection molding machine, etc.
4. Electronic machinery: Robot measuring instrument, X-Y table, medical equipment, surface mounting device,
semi-conductor equipment, factory automation equipment, etc.
5. Transport machinery: Material handling equipment, elevated actuator, etc.
6. Aerospace industry: Aircraft flaps, thrust open-close reverser, airport loading equipment, fin actuator, etc.
7. Miscellaneous: Antenna leg actuator, valve operator, etc.
Rolled thread ball screws are the most common type of ball screws used in the industry. The manufacturing process for these screws involves cold forming the screw and nut threads, resulting in a smoother surface finish and a higher lead accuracy. Rolled th read ball screws suit low to moderate-load applications and offer high efficiency
and fast speeds.. There are three types of Rolled Ball screw they as follows:
A) Single Start Rolled Ball Screw
B) Double Start Rolled Ball Screw
C) Fourth Start Rolled Ball Screw
Ground ball screws are manufactured using precision grinding methods rather than cold forming. The result is a more precise and accurate screw with a higher lead accuracy than rolled thread ball screws. Ground ball screws have higher load capacity and are available with preload for high-rigidity applications. They are more expensive than rolled thread ball screws but are a great option for high-end applications with stringent accuracy requirements
Ground Ballscrews are found three series as follows:
A) Single start Rolled and Ground BallScrew
B) Second Start Rolled and Ground BallScrew
C) Forth Start Rolled and Ground Ball Screw.
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